Conference on Corruption and Anti‐Corruption Policies
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development together with the International Economic Association, Kyiv School of Economics, and Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics will host the conference that will bring together academics and policymakers working on corruption and anti-corruption policies.
The conference aims to discuss recent research on corruption and anti‐corruption policies around the world, anti‐corruption experience in advanced economies and emerging markets and implications from research and practical experience for fighting corruption in post‐communist countries. The conference will include both academic and policy sessions and will be open to the general public.
Submission of papers:
To submit a paper (full papers accepted only), please send an email to Lucie Newman at In the subject header please add “Submission: Kyiv Conference” and nothing else. In the case of multiple‐authored papers, indicate who will present. The submission deadline is April 8, 2019 and authors will be notified about the acceptance of papers by April 30, 2019.
Confirmed speakers:
- Daniel Berkowitz (University of Pittsburgh)
- Filipe Campante (John Hopkins University)
- Ruben Enikolopov (New Economic School and UPF)
- Sergei Guriev (EBRD) Cillian Nolan (J‐PAL)
- Chris Papageorgiou (IMF)
- Olga Savran (Anti‐Corruption Network, OECD)
- Koen Schoors (University of Ghent) Matthew Stephenson (Harvard University)
- Leonard Wantchekon (Princeton University)
- Gabriel Zucman (University of California at Berkeley)
Programme committee:
- Sergei Guriev (EBRD)
- Yuriy Gorodnichenko (University of California at Berkeley)
- Tymofiy Mylovanov (University of Pittsburgh and Kyiv School of Economics)
Chair of the local organizing committee:
- Inna Sovsun (Kyiv School of Economics)
For more info, please visit conferenace page on EBRD website (see here).