20230124 KSE Event

Next Steps on Russian Oil and Gas Sanctions

On Tuesday, January 24, at 5 p.m. Kyiv time, KSE Institute will host an online presentation of its research “Next Steps on Russian Oil and Gas Sanctions”.

KSE Institute experts will present five steps to increase pressure on the aggressor’s energy sector. They estimate that these measures – a mix of strengthening existing sanctions and new restrictions – could deprive Russia of $40 billion of oil and gas revenues in 2023.

Currently, European storage facilities hold record volumes of gas, and natural gas prices have returned to pre-war levels. The cost of Russian oil also plummeted after the G7 price cap was implemented and the EU embargo came into effect.

Based on a position of strength, countries of the sanctions coalition should accelerate their complete exit from Russian energy and strengthen sanctions against the aggressor.

The speakers of the event are the authors of the study:

The event will be broadcast online in Zoom. To receive a link and additional materials as well as participate in the following KSE Institute events, please register via Google forms link. 

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