Field of research: Natural Resources
Johan Gars

Johan Gars is a Researcher at the Beijer Institute. He finished his PhD in Economics at Stockholm University in 2012.
His research interests lie broadly within environmental and resource economics. Currently he is primarily working on the role of energy in the global economy, climate policy and simultaneously analyzing economic aspects of multiple interacting global environmental issues.
(Last updated March 2024)
Gerhard Toews

Gerhard Toews is an Assistant Professor at the New Economic School in Moscow and a Research Affiliate at Oxcarre, University of Oxford, where he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow between 2014 and 2018. He is an applied economist with an interest in natural resource economics and economic history. See more at:
(Last updated October 2022)
Mykhaylo Salnykov

Mykhaylo Salnykov is an Academic Director at BEROC. He earned his PhD in Economics at the Simon Fraser University (Canada) in 2008 supplemented by two Masters in Economic Theory (Kyiv School of Economics, 2004) and Environmental Sciences and Policy (Central European University, 2002).
Michael Alexeev

Michael Alexeev holds the rank of Full Professor of Economics at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. He graduated from Moscow University in 1975, majoring in Economics and Mathematics, and received a Ph.D. in Economics from Duke University in 1984.
Alexeev’s research has appeared in such leading general economics journals as Journal of Economic Theory and Review of Economics and Statistics, as well as in comparative and development economics journals and edited volumes. He has also published articles in public choice and in law and economics, and has recently co-edited The Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy, the Russian edition of which was published earlier this year.