Field of research: Public Economics
Mery Julakidze

Mery Julakidze is a Junior Researcher at ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI). She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from International School of Economics (ISET). Over the course of her studies and career, Mery has demonstrated a particular interest in gender economics, public policy, and development economics. In her BA thesis, she studied gender, ethnicity, and age pay gaps in the Georgian labor market.
[Last updated March 2022]
Ilona Sologoub

Ilona Sologoub is an editor of VoxUkraine. In 2019-2021 she was the head of VoxUkraine. Before that, she was a member of the Editorial Board and Supervisory Board of Vox Ukraine, and also worked at the Kyiv School of Economics as a Director of Economic Policy Studies. Until 2010, Ilona worked in the banking sector performing market and operational risk analysis. Ilona has experience of writing research on a number of topics, including Ukrainian and global economy, social policy, and the media.
(Last updated January 2024)
Izabela Wowczko

Izabela Wowczko works as a Research Economist at the CenEA. She holds a MSc degree in Economics (University of Szczecin) and a MSc degree in Computing (Institute of Technology Blanchardstown). Izabela Wowczko has also received a Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Media Technologies (Dublin Institute of Technology). She also holds a Professional Diploma in Official Statistics for Policy Evaluation (National University of Ireland).
Izabela Wowczko is involved in data and policy analysis in the context of gender economics. Before joining CenEA she was employed in the public sector in Poland and Ireland. Her areas of expertise included the free movement of people in the European Union. In particular labour migration and social security for migrant workers, as well as skills development and lifelong learning.
CenEA is a member of the FREE Network and plays a leading role in the FROGEE program, focused on the analysis of the scale and implications of gender inequality in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
*Last updated January 2020
Sophiko Skhirtladze

Sophiko Skhirtladze works as a Project Management Specialist at the Economic Growth Office at USAID. She received her Ph.D. degree in Public Economics and Finance from the Catholic University in Milan.
Sophiko Skhirtladze earned her Bachelor’s degree in International Economic Relations from the International Black Sea University (2006) and her MA degrees in Economics from ISET (2008) and Southern Methodist University, in Dallas, Texas (2010).
She has served as the Head of the Private Sector Development Policy Research Center at ISET.
*Last updated April 2021
Maja Adena

Maja Adena is a Research Fellow of Economics of Change research unit, at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. She received her Ph.D. degree in Economics at the Free University Berlin and finished her Berlin Doctoral Program in Economic Science and Management in 2013. She has worked as Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Analysis (CenEA) in 2012, and since that holds a position of Research Associate at CenEA.
Her academic interests are mainly in the field of public economics. More specifically, she is interested in charitable giving and non-profit organizations, recently running a number of (field) experiments on the optimal design of a fundraising campaign. In the field of political economy she works on persuasion, studying the question of how far the media can influence individual preferences and behavior. Her research is also concerned with poverty and deprivation and how it impacts individual well-being.
Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho

Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho is a Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota. His research interests are in the fields of international economics, macroeconomics of saving and consumption, macroeconomics of housing and public economics.
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya

Zhuravskaya is Professor of Economics at the Paris School of Economics and Directrice d’études at EHESS. She was the winner of the Young Economists Competition of the fifth Nobel Symposium in Economics “The Economics of Transition” in 1999, a Global Leader for Tomorrow of the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2001, a recipient of the Best Economist prize by the President of the Russian Academy of Science in 2002 and 2003. She was recipient of a Diploma of the Russia’s National Award for Work in Applied Economics in 2010 and in 2014, Hans Rausing Professorships 1998-2009, the International W. Leontief Medal “For Contribution to Economic Reforms” in 2010, and the recipient of the Excellence in Refereeing Award of the American Economic Review in 2011. In 2015, Zhuravskaya was the winner of the ERC Consolidator grant.
She has published in the American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Journal of Business, Journal of Comparative Economics, American Law and Economics Review, and Economics of Transition.
Zhuravskaya is Associate editor of the Journal of Public Economics and the Journal of Comparative Economics, and has served as panel member in the Economic Policy in the past. She has a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.
Anna Balsevich

Anna works as a Junior Research Fellow and teacher at the Center for Institutional Studies in Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Her research interests include economic analysis of the public sector, institutional economics, law and economics.
Nicolas Gavoille

Nicolas Gavoille is an Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and a Research Fellow at BICEPS. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Rennes 1, France. He is Treasurer of the Baltic Economic Association and a member of the European Economic Association.
Nicolas’ main research interests are in the field of public economics, labour economics, and political economy. He has published articles in journals such as the European Economic Review, the European Journal of Political Economy and the IMF Economic Review.
(Last updated October 2022)
Jesper Roine

Jesper Roine is Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics and the Deputy Director at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE). Most of his research concerns income and wealth distribution and long-run development, but he has also worked on political economy and the impact of natural resources on the economy.
In addition to his research, Roine participates widely in the policy debate. He is one of the founders and regular contributor to the economics blog (written in Swedish). Roine has written a number of reports on issues such as globalization and the income distribution, the future of the Swedish welfare state, and how the Swedish government should manage its mineral resources. He is currently a member of the government’s commission on the future of work.