Institution: CenEA

Ellam Kulati

Ellam is a Ph.D. researcher at CenEA and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Warsaw. He holds a MA in Economics from the University of Warsaw, and a Bachelor’s in Economics from the University of Nairobi. His research interests include the economics of ageing, household, labour and behavioural economics.

Michal Myck

Profile image of Michal Myck

Michal Myck is the Director and Member of the Board of the Centre for Economic Analysis (CenEA). He previously worked at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (1999-2004; International Fellow 2005-2011) and at the DIW-Berlin (2005-2013). In the years 2005-2017 he was the Polish Country Team Leader for the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Myck received his B.A. and M.Phil. degrees at the University of Oxford (Philosophy, Politics and Economics in 1997 and Economics in  1999), his Ph.D. degree at the University of Warsaw (2006) and completed his habilitation at the Free University of Berlin (2015).

He has published in journals such as American Economic Journal – Economic Policy, Journal of Health Economics, Social Science and Medicine, Labour Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Economics of Transition, Fiscal Studies, Oxford Review of Economic Policy and Review of Economics of the Household.

  • For the list of his publications in RePEc see: RePEc
  • For the list of his citations on Google Scholar see: Google Scholar

His research has focused on modelling of labour market behaviour and on the implications of labour market regulations on employment and retirement decisions. He has studied the effectiveness of tax and benefit systems and worked on issues related to the measurement of poverty and income inequality.

(Last updated October 2022)

Artur Król

Artur Król joined CenEA as a Research Economist in February of 2020. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting at the University of Szczecin in 2018 and Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics at the Pomeranian Medical University in 2019. He has specialized in microsimulation analysis of tax and benefit policies and has been analyzing labor market data with a special focus on gender inequality.

(Last updated October 2023)

Izabela Wowczko

Izabela Wowczko standing in a park

Izabela Wowczko works as a Research Economist at the CenEA. She holds a MSc degree in Economics (University of Szczecin) and a MSc degree in Computing (Institute of Technology Blanchardstown). Izabela Wowczko has also received a Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Media Technologies (Dublin Institute of Technology). She also holds a Professional Diploma in Official Statistics for Policy Evaluation (National University of Ireland).

Izabela Wowczko is involved in data and policy analysis in the context of gender economics. Before joining CenEA she was employed in the public sector in Poland and Ireland. Her areas of expertise included the free movement of people in the European Union. In particular labour migration and social security for migrant workers, as well as skills development and lifelong learning.

CenEA is a member of the FREE Network and plays a leading role in the FROGEE program, focused on the analysis of the scale and implications of gender inequality in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

*Last updated January 2020

Kajetan Trzciński

Kajetan Trzciński was a Senior Research Economist at CenEA until July 2023. He graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a M.Sc. in Political Economy in 2017. His work focused on the development of CenEA’s tax-benefit microsimulation model and the Polish country module of the international microsimulation model, the EUROMOD. He recently joined the World Bank.

(Last updated October 2023)

Mateusz Najsztub

Mateusz Najsztub is a Research Associate at CenEA where he worked between 2013-2018. He graduated with an MA degree in Chemistry at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 2011 and is currently works at the Polish Ministry of Finance where he is involved in fiscal policy analysis.

(Last updated in April 2021)

Monika Oczkowska

FREE Network Website Image of Monika Oczkowska

Monika Oczkowska works at CenEA as a Senior Research Economist since March 2012. She received a M.A. degree in Economics in 2012, and BA degrees in Economics (2010) and International Relations (2011) at the University of Szczecin. Her research interests include the economics of ageing, well-being, gender and health.

(Last updated November 2022)