Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE)

Founded: 1989 Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Since its foundation in 1989, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) has become a leading research and policy center on transition in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe. SITE’s ambition is to serve as a bridge between the academic community and policy makers. Through SITE, policy makers, scholars as well as representatives of major international financial institutions get an avenue to present new findings and political initiatives to a wide audience from the Swedish government, private businesses, media, and academics as well as members of the international diplomatic circle in Stockholm.

Despite tremendous advances in recent years, there is still much to be understood about economic, political and legal institutions and how to change them. In research, transition and development are joining forces to develop means of measuring the institutional change in emerging markets. SITE is part of this process, engaging national governments, industry, international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations, and fellow academics in a vibrant dialogue about making institutions more effective.