Tag: Media Bias Trends

Media (de)Polarization Index | July 2024

Graphic illustration of media polarization in Georgia, showing two opposing human faces made from crumpled paper representing political bias and dissimilarity in media outlets representing Media Polarization Index in July 2024.

In July 2024, the Georgia Media Polarization Index saw a notable rise due to several key political events. For instance, the United States indefinitely postponed the “Worthy Partner 2024” military exercise. Additionally, President Salome Zurabishvili returned proposed Pension Law amendments to Parliament for further review. Moreover, she appointed a non-judge member to the Supreme Council of Justice, though the court later suspended this member. However, during periods of opposition party unification and Georgian athletes’ successes at the Olympics, the index experienced a decline.

Interactive Chart: Polarity Index Only – July

Media (de)Polarization Index – 2020-2024 (as of July 2024)

What is the Georgia Media Polarization Index?

The Georgia Media Polarization Index, created by the ISET Policy Institute, serves as a powerful tool for measuring the level of political bias and polarization across Georgia’s leading media outlets. This index examines the political dissimilarities in news coverage, offering a clear, data-driven analysis of media bias in Georgia.

How the Media Polarization Index Works

The Media Polarization Index utilizes a weighted average to assess political dissimilarities between various Georgian media outlets. Media sources with higher ratings exert greater influence on the overall results, providing a more comprehensive understanding of political content distribution. This method helps in identifying where each media outlet stands on the political spectrum, allowing users to visualize the extent of media bias.

Importance and Application of the Media Polarization Index

The Georgia Media Polarization Index is crucial for researchers, policymakers, and media watchdogs focused on monitoring media bias and polarization trends. It provides valuable insights into how Georgian media outlets shape political discourse and evolve over time. The findings from the index support efforts to promote balanced media coverage, inform policy decisions, and encourage dialogue on the media’s influence in Georgia’s political landscape.

About ISET Policy Institute

ISET Policy Institute is the leading economic policy think tank in Georgia, specializing in research, training, and policy consultation in the South Caucasus region. The institute focuses on promoting good governance and fostering inclusive economic development. For more information, visit ISET Policy Institute.

To read more policy briefs published by the ISET Policy Institute, visit the Institute’s page on the FREE Network’s website.

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