Tunnel with a light at the end with two men walking closer symbolising transition in Eastern Europe discussed during SITE conference

SITE Academic Conference 2019 “The Long Shadow of Transition”

The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics invites you to our annual Academic Conference at the Stockholm School of Economics which brings together researchers in economics and political science who contribute to our understanding of the political economy of Eastern Europe.

For most countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, the main building blocks of the economic transition from a command economy to a market economy took around 10 years to accomplish. In terms of political institutions and social norms, though, change has been much slower and more uneven. Weak political checks and balances, corruption and authoritarianism threaten not only the welfare of citizens within these countries but also peace and cooperation in Europe more generally.

This year’s edition of our annual Academic Conference will focus on the Political Economics of Long run Development in Eastern Europe. There is by now a growing academic literature analyzing not only the current consequences of authoritarianism and corruption but also the economic history of the eastern region and how that can account for some of the norms and institutions in place today. The purpose of this event is to bring together scholars in this field for a fruitful exchange of ideas and presentations of the current academic standing on the topic.

Keynote speakers

  • KEYNOTE 1: RUBEN ENIKOLOPOV, Rector and Professor at the New Economic School.
  • KEYNOTE 2: DANIEL TREISMAN, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles.
  • KEYNOTE 3: SERGEI GURIEV, Professor of Economics, Sciences Po.

When and where?

Monday Dec 16, 2019, 9:00 – 17:00.

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019, 10:00 – 14:30

Place: Stockholm School of Economics, KAW Room 1st floor, Bertil Ohlins gata 4.

RSVP: Please note that the number of seats for this event is limited, therefore we kindly ask you to only register if you know that you will be able to attend.

Last day to register: December 13, 12:30 pm.

Read the full program below!

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