Field of research: Development Economics
Chiara Latour

Chiara Latour is a PhD student in Economics at Stockholm University. Her research interests include applied economics and development economics.
Victoire Girard

Victoire is a researcher at Nova School of Business and Economics. She holds a Ph.D. in economics from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. Her research is in development economics and political economy, with a focus on inequalities, identities, violence and the local impact of natural resources extraction.
(Last updated February 2020)
Alberto Vesperoni

Alberto Vesperoni joined the Department of Political Economy as a Lecturer in Economics in September 2019. He is trained as an economist holding a PhD from Stockholm School of Economics, MSc from Bocconi University. He is an economic theorist with focus on development economics. So far Alberto’s research has been on contest theory and on linking models of social interaction to structural variables related to the measurement of economic inequality, spatial concentration and ethnic diversity.
His research focuses on contest theory and on linking models of social interaction to structural variables related to economic inequality, spatial concentration and ethnic diversity. He published in journals such as the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Economic Inquiry, and Social Choice and Welfare.
(Last updated August 2022)
Michele Valsecchi

Michele has been Assistant Professor at NES since September 2017. Before then, he held a Wallander postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Gothenburg and spent long visiting periods at IIES (Stockholm), LSE-STICERD (London) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). His research focuses on the role of institutions in developing countries and weakly institutionalized settings. In the past, he worked on land property rights, local elections and bureaucrats’ corruption, ethnic favoritism. He published in the Journal of Development Economics.
(Last updated January 2020)
Roland Hodler

Roland is Professor of Economics at the University of St. Gallen and Research Fellow at CEPR, CESifo and OxCarre. His research areas are development economics and political economics, with a focus on economic, political and social effects of ethnic divisions, natural resources, and foreign aid. He published in journals such as the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal of Development Economics, the Journal of Public Economics, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; and covered by media outlets such as BBC, the Economist, the Guardian, Le Monde, and the Washington Post.
(Last updated January 2020)
Christina Sarah Hauser

Christina Sarah Hauser holds a M.Sc. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and a M.A. in International Economic Policy from the Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po). She works as a research assistant for the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE).
(Last updated June 2020)
Davit Keshelava

Davit Keshelava is a Lead Economist at the ISET Policy Institute and an Assistant Professor at ISET. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and specializes in macroeconomics, gender economics, cost-benefit analysis, and impact assessment.
Dr. Keshelava actively contributes to research projects, particularly in the development of Regulatory and Gender Impact Assessments at the ISET Policy Institute. He played a pivotal role in formulating the Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) methodology and has collaborated with various Georgian ministries on Regulatory and Gender Impact Assessments. In addition, Dr. Keshelava provides comprehensive training to governmental ministries’ staff, enriching their analytical and policy formulation capabilities. He also teaches various courses in the bachelor’s program at ISET and the Ph.D. program at Tbilisi State University, further extending his expertise to future economists.
(Last updated June 2024)
Victor Arshavskiy

Victor Arshavskiy has a PhD in Economics from New York University in 2011. After graduation, he worked at the Graduate School of Management at Saint Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia. From September 2013 to August 2017, Victor worked as a Research Scientist at CTED, NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE. Since September 2017 Victor has been working as a Research Fellow at Belarus Economic and Outreach Center. Victor’s fields of interest are Development Economics, International Trade and Financial Economics.
Irina Tochitskaya

Dr. Irina Tochitskaya has a Ph.D. in Macroeconomics and an M.Sc. in Statistics. Since 2003 Irina Tochitskaya has been working as a Deputy Director and Academic Director of the IPM Research Center in Minsk, Belarus. In 2018, she joined BEROC as a consultant for the Green Economy project.
Her professional interests include trade policy, regional integration, innovation and growth, enterprise development, sustainable development, applied econometrics.
Salome Deisadze

Salome Deisadze is a Senior Researcher at the Agricultural and Rural Policy Research Center at ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI). Along with other research projects, she is involved in Agri Review publishing and writes monthly highlights on food price changes in local and international markets. Her research interests lie broadly in the area of agricultural economics and rural development.
Currently, Salome Deisadze is a Ph.D. candidate at the Tbilisi State University. In 2016, she received a Master’s degree in Economics at ISET, and that same year successfully completed the Course for Graduate Teaching Fellows in Teaching principles and Practices for Economics at the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education (CERGE) of Charles University in Prague. Currently, she is a visiting lecturer in Elements of Practical Mathematics at Ilia State University.
(Last updated November 2022)