Expert Categories: Author

Alina Schmitz

Profile image of Alina Schmitz

Alina Schmitz is a Post-Doc and serves as a Chair of Social Structure and Sociology of Aging Societies at the TU Dortmund. She studied rehabilitation science at the University of Cologne with a focus on gerontology, health services research and methods of empirical social science. She graduated in 2016 (M.A.). She has been working as a research associate at TU Dortmund since 2020.

Her research interests are related to health sociology, population ageing and the interrelations of social policy and inequalities in health.

(Last updated June 2020)

Claudius Garten

Claudius Garten works as a Research Associate at the chair for Social Structure & Sociology of Ageing Societies at TU Dortmund since March 2020. He received a M.A. in Social Science in the study programme for Methods of Social Research at Ruhr University Bochum. His research interests are social inequality, economic sociology and quantitative methods of social research.

(Last updated October 2022)

Levan Pavlenishvili

Profile image of Levan Pavlenishvili

Levan Pavlenishvili is a Senior Researcher at the Energy and Environment Policy Research Centre. He holds a BA in Economics from the Tbilisi State University.

Levan Pavlenishvili served as a Deputy Head at the Energy and Environment Policy Research Center at ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI). Before joining the ISET, Levan worked as a tax consultant at the PricewaterhouseCoopers Tbilisi office.

Levan’s main research interests include renewable energy, regulations in the power sector, and energy security.

*Last updated April 2021

Chiara Latour

Image of Chiara Latour

Chiara Latour is a PhD student in Economics at Stockholm University. Her research interests include applied economics and development economics.  

Alma Kudebayeva

Profile image of Alma Kudebayeva

Alma Kudebayeva is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, KIMEP University and CERGE-EI teaching fellow, specializing in issues of poverty, inequality and labor economics.

She did a post-doc position at the German Institute of Economic Research DIW in 2010 and she holds a doctorate in mathematics from al-Farabi Kazakh National University and in development economics from the University of Manchester.

(Last updated March 2020)

Victoire Girard

Victoire is a researcher at Nova School of Business and Economics. She holds a Ph.D. in economics from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. Her research is in development economics and political economy, with a focus on inequalities, identities, violence and the local impact of natural resources extraction.

(Last updated February 2020)

Gerhard Toews

Gerhard Toews

Gerhard Toews is an Assistant Professor at the New Economic School in Moscow and a Research Affiliate at Oxcarre, University of Oxford, where he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow between 2014 and 2018. He is an applied economist with an interest in natural resource economics and economic history. See more at:


(Last updated October 2022)

Stephan De Spiegeleire

Stephan De Spiegeleire is a Principal Scientist at HCSS. He holds a Master’s degrees from the Graduate Institute in Geneva and Columbia University in New York, as well as a C.Phil. degree in Political Science from UCLA. He worked for the RAND Corporation for nearly ten years, interrupted by stints at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik and the WEU’s Institute for Security Studies.

Stephan started out as a Soviet specialist, but has since branched out into several fields of international security and defense policy. His current work at HCSS focuses on strategic defense management, security resilience, network-centrism, capabilities-based planning, and the transformation of defense planning. He is particularly active in HCSS’s security foresight efforts to inform national and European security policy planning in the broader sense. He also teaches at Webster University in Leiden. Stephan keeps a personal blog, where he records his reflections on his fields of expertise. Please visit:

(Last updated February 2020)

Alberto Vesperoni

Profile image of Alberto Vesperoni

Alberto Vesperoni joined the Department of Political Economy as a Lecturer in Economics in September 2019. He is trained as an economist holding a PhD from Stockholm School of Economics, MSc from Bocconi University. He is an economic theorist with focus on development economics. So far Alberto’s research has been on contest theory and on linking models of social interaction to structural variables related to the measurement of economic inequality, spatial concentration and ethnic diversity.

His research focuses on contest theory and on linking models of social interaction to structural variables related to economic inequality, spatial concentration and ethnic diversity. He published in journals such as the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Economic Inquiry, and Social Choice and Welfare.

(Last updated August 2022)

Michele Valsecchi

Michele has been Assistant Professor at NES since September 2017. Before then, he held a Wallander postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Gothenburg and spent long visiting periods at IIES (Stockholm), LSE-STICERD (London) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). His research focuses on the role of institutions in developing countries and weakly institutionalized settings. In the past, he worked on land property rights, local elections and bureaucrats’ corruption, ethnic favoritism. He published in the Journal of Development Economics.

(Last updated January 2020)