Field of research: Labor Economics
Marina Kartseva

Marina Kartseva has graduate degrees in physics and in economics from the New Economic School (NES). She is a Senior Economist at the Centre for Economics and Financial Research (CEFIR) in Moscow. Her main research interests are in labor, income distribution and policy impact evaluation.
John S. Earle

John S. Earle received his undergraduate degrees from Oberlin College and Conservatory, and his Ph.D. from Stanford University. Now a Professor of Public Policy at George Mason University, he has also taught at Stanford University, Stockholm School of Economics, University of Vienna, and Central European University. His main research interests are in labor, development, transition, and institutions, including topics such as employment policies, financial constraints, reallocation, and the effects of structural and institutional change on firms and workers. A former President of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies, his articles have been published in leading journals in not only economics, but also political science, management, and finance.
Nicolas Gavoille

Nicolas Gavoille is an Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and a Research Fellow at BICEPS. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Rennes 1, France. He is Treasurer of the Baltic Economic Association and a member of the European Economic Association.
Nicolas’ main research interests are in the field of public economics, labour economics, and political economy. He has published articles in journals such as the European Economic Review, the European Journal of Political Economy and the IMF Economic Review.
(Last updated October 2022)
Hanna Vakhitova

Hanna Vakhitova is an Assistant Professor at KSE and a Senior Economist at KEI. Hanna received Ph.D. in Economics
Her fields of specialization are migration and labor economics, education and development. Respectively to her scientific interеsts, she provides consultations on issues connected with migration, labour market and social assistance system.
Hanna Vakhitova was awarded numerous grants from the World Bank, the Internation Labour Organization, and the Ministry of Social Protection of Ukraine; fellowships from University of Kentucky and Eurasia Foundation.