Expert Categories: Internal
Evgeny Yakovlev

Evgeny Yakovlev is an Associate Professor at the New Economic School, Moscow and a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Government Affairs at LSE. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from University of California, Berkeley.
(Last updated October 2019)
Estelle Dauchy

Estelle holds a Ph.D. in economics from University of Michigan. She joined the New Economic School as an assistant professor in 2012. Her research examines the impact of federal and international tax reforms – or features of tax systems – on various margins of firm’s behavior, such as investment choices, organizational forms, or R&D spending. She teaches graduate public finance and public economics, macroeconomics, and applied micro-econometrics.
Volodymyr Vakhitov

Volodymyr Vakhitov joined KEI in 2008 and has been Assistant Professor at Kyiv School of Economics since 2003.
Vakhitov has been awarded with various grants and fellowships such as several tuitions for education at the Kentucky University and individual research grants from Global Development Network and Economic Education and Research Consortium.
Yuliya Sivay

Yuliya Sivay received her Bachelor’s degree from Novosibirsk State University in 2010 and obtained Master’s degree in Economics from Higher School of Economics in 2012.
Kateryna Bornukova

Kateryna Bornukova is the Academic Director of BEROC. Kateryna holds a M.A. in Economics from Kyiv School of Economics and a Ph.D. in Economics from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her research interests include macroeconomics, economics of transition and labor economics.
Kateryna has previously served as senior economic advisor to the UN Resident Representative in Belarus. She also works as a consultant for the World Bank and other international organizations.
(Last updated January 2020)
Galina Besstremyannaya

Galina Besstremyannaya is a Lead Economist at the Centre for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR). She is a Senior economist at the CEMI RAS, and an Associate Professor at the Higher School of Economics (HSE University). Galina Besstremyannaya has graduated from Moscow State University (MSU).
She gained her MA in economics at the New Economic School (NES). And she obtained her PhD in Economics from Keio University (Tokyo) in 2010. Her research interests include econometrics, productivity analysis, management, and health economics.
CEFIR is an independent economic policy think tank with a mission to improve Russia’s economic and social policies by producing cutting-edge academic research and policy analysis. CEFIR makes it possible for both policymakers and the public to make informed choices and is a member of the FREE Network.
(Last updated January 2020)
Giancarlo Spagnolo

Giancarlo Spagnolo is a Senior Researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics since 2006. He is also a research fellow of CEPR, London; and a non-resident fellow of EIEF, Rome. He is also a Professor of Economics at University of Rome II (on leave). He holds a Ph.D. from the Stockholm School of Economics, and was Assistant Professor at the University of Mannheim, Senior Economist at the Research Division of the Sveriges Riksbank, and founder and head of the Research Unit of the Italian Public Procurement Agency (Consip SpA).
He is an internationally recognized authority on Antitrust, Public Procurement and Anticorruption issues, and has been consulting on these topics for national and international institutions, including the World Bank, the European Parliament, the European Commission (DG Comp, DG EcFin and DG Markt) and several Antitrust and Procurement Authorities.
(Last updated September 2020)
Konstantin Sonin

Konstantin Sonin is John Dewey Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. His research interests include political economics, economic theory, and conflict.
Sonin earned MSc and PhD in mathematics from Moscow State University and MA in economics from Moscow’s New Economic School (NES), was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Davis Center, a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and a visiting professor at the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. Before joining the University of Chicago, he served on the faculty and as a vice-president of NES and HSE University in Moscow. Over two decades, he has guest-lectured in dozens of universities, summer schools, and high schools across Russia and worked part-time as a teacher of economics in a high school.
His research has been published in leading academic outlets in economics and political science. In addition to academic work, Sonin writes columns, Op-Eds, and blogs on Russia-related political and economic issues. In 2023, he was put on the federal wanted list in Russia for posting information about the atrocities that the Russian occupying forces committed in the town of Bucha in Ukraine.
Konstantin first visited the Stockholm Institute for Transition Economies in 1999, and has been a research affiliate and a friend ever since.
Lennart Samuelson

Lennart Samuelson is an affiliated researcher at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) since 2008. He earned his Ph.D. at the Institute for Research in Economic History at the Stockholm School of Economics, in 1996. He was a guest researcher at the National Defence College in 1996-2001 and Waern visiting professor at the Institute for Studies in History at the University of Gothenburg, in 2011-2012.
Samuelson’s research in Russian economic history re-started when the archives opened in 1992. His major research topic is the development of the Soviet military-industrial complex from the 1930s onwards. He has participated in several research projects on Soviet agrarian history of the 1930s, on the Great Terror 1937-38 and the Gulag camp system, and also on Sweden’s relations with the Soviet Union in the Cold War period. His research results have been rewarded by several institutions. The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities rewarded its prestigious Rettig Prize in 2014 to Samuelson for his fundamental research and innovative grasp of the Russian archival materials.
On 4 November 2014, for organizing Swedish-Russian economic-historical workshops and conferences at Stockholm School of Economics and Gothenburg university, for arranging study visits for Russian archivists in Stockholm and for Swedish scholars in Moscow, as well as for his spreading knowledge on Russian history to the Swedish public, he was awarded Orden Druzhby (the Friendship Order) by President Vladimir Putin at the National Day ceremony in the Kremlin.
Marija Krumina

Marija Krumina is a Research Fellow at BICEPS. She is a leader of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) team in Latvia.